These two websites have been created to promote the Elham Valley & the village of Elham, which lies at the centre of this beautiful Kentish valley.
Map of Elham
© Reproduced by kind permission of the Elham Village Hall Association Ltd, Elham Circle & the artist - Graham Clarke
Elham village is situated in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in the North Downs of Kent. This beautiful and historic village can trace its past back to the Domesday Book of 1086.
Map of Elham
© Reproduced by kind permission of the artist Scarlett Rickard
Nestled between Canterbury and Folkestone, the Elham Valley is situated in the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. There is good access by car from the M20 and A2, alternatively by train to Canterbury or Folkestone and the regular No.17 Stagecoach bus service which runs along the valley.

There can be few places as tranquil as Kent's Elham Valley that are so easy to reach and offer such a range of activities. Enjoy a walk in the unspoiled countryside followed by a pub lunch at one of the many charming village pubs.
Breathe in the fresh air, drink in the views and feel yourself relax.

There's accommodation to suit every budget from B&B to self catering or luxury rooms. The location makes it a great place for an overnight stop before a channel crossing from the nearby port of Dover or the Eurotunnel terminal at Folkestone.

The Elham Valley Way, a 21 mile promoted footpath, passes over fields and through woods and villages, it therefore provides a wonderful encounter for the long distance walker. The Way largely traverses the track of the old Canterbury – Folkestone Elham Valley Railway which closed in 1947.

The pretty village of Elham hosts some wonderful historic houses of Kent together with welcoming pubs, and log fires in the winter.
Village update
Newsletter: Please get copy in by 13th of the month

Village shop: Opening hours. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Please do not collect your paper until 8 a.m.

The King's Arms is open 01303 840242

The Rose and Crown is CLOSED

The Abbot's Fireside is CLOSED

The Cosy Tea Rooms is open 01303 840444

The Post Office is temporarily closed


click on the event for more details
Wed 2 Apr 19:30 doors open 19:00
Social, Snacks and Cinema
Peggy Pike VH - Elham Village Hall Association
This monTh’s film is something out of the world! A tale of hope and deterMination in the face of seemingly un-surmountable problems. Some wonderful landscape and some brilliant acting- we look forward to seeing you in the cosy Peggy Pike Room. Entry is £5.00 on the door and the bar will be open from 7pm.
Fri 4 Apr 19:30 doors open 19:00
Elham Historical Society AGM
Village Hall - Elham Historical Society
see poster
Sat 5 Apr 11:00
Elham Gardening Society Spring Show
Village Hall - Elham Gardening Society
Schedules are available and there are plenty of choices. Entries must be staged before when the judging will begin. The Show will open to the public at until 12.30p.m. So, do come along and have a go.
Sun 6 Apr 15:00
The Lighter Side of Weill
St. Mary's Church - Elham Friends of St. Mary's Church
see poster
Mon 7 Apr 19:30
Parish Council Meeting
Primary School Hall - Elham Parish Council
Monthly council meeting
Tue 8 Apr 10:00
St. Mary's Church - Elham Elham Valley Walkers
This scenic walk to the east of Elham crosses fields and quiet wooded valleys. The hamlet of Acrise is at the half way point, and further on a short detour takes you to St Martin’s Church in the grounds of Acrise Place. Meet 10am at Elham Church. 4.3 miles, easy. Leader Roger Joyce.
Thu 17 Apr 12:30
Friendship Lunch
St. Mary's Hall - Elham Friends of St. Mary's Church
Val Swain 01303 840408
Thu 17 Apr 19:30
Arts and Crafts Movement
Peggy Pike VH - Elham Gardening Society
The speaker will be Stephen Harmer who will talk about the Arts and Crafts Movement and the gardens which were involved. Sounds fascinating and different. Do make sure you put the date in your diaries. If you are new to the area and are interested in any aspect of gardening, do come along to our meetings - they are held in the Peggy Pike Room of the Village Hall on the third Thursday of each month at 7.30p.m. New members always welcome. Frances Horton - 840550.
Fri 18 Apr 19:30
Elham Cricket Club Quiz
Village Hall - Elham Cricket Club
We are also resuming our regular quiz nights at Elham Village Hall. The first quiz will take place on Fri-day 18th April with a 7.30pm start - entrant fee of £6 per person. Tables of 6 to 8. For more information contacts are: Kav Risby – junior coaching – Andy Sellars – treasurer / Sunday captain – 07387 410006 Chris Laker – secretary 01303 230035
Thu 24 Apr 19:30
EVHA Jiving Lesson
Peggy Pike VH - Elham Village Hall Association
see poster
Sun 27 Apr 10:00
The Square - Elham Elham Valley Walkers
Lyminge to Paddlesworth. Meet 10am at Lyminge Library. 5.7 miles, 3 hours, easy. Climb out of Lyminge via a dry valley renowned for its proliferation of cowslips. Cross sheep fields to arrive at the Cat and Custard Pot, returning via lanes, a trackway and fields. Leader Chris Jelly 07518 163183
Wed 30 Apr 19:30 doors open 19:00
Dessert Island Discs
Village Hall - Elham Village Hall Association
Peter Morgan as the castaway
Sun 4 May 15:00
Mike Ridley Memorial
Tennis Court (L) - Elham Village Hall Association
We will be dedicating Court 1 in memory of Mike Ridley at 3 pm in recognition of all the hard work he put into the Sports Club over the years. All are welcome to join us, even if you don't want to try one of the sports.
Thu 8 May 14:30
VE 80 Church Service
St. Mary's Church - Elham Friends of St. Mary's Church
There will be a service in St. Mary's followed by scrummy tea and cake. The bells will ring.
Sat 10 May 10:00
VE 80 Celebration
Village Hall - Elham Historical Society
see poster
Sat 14 Jun 17:00
Jazz and strawberries on the lawn
The Old Vicarage - Elham Friends of St. Mary's Church
Details to follow
Contact Name & email
Non Emergency Police
07977 982185
KCCCommunity Warden: Gary Harrison
NHS Direct
01227 766877
Kent & Canterbury Hosp.
01233 633331
William Harvey Ashford
01303 840213
Elham Surgery
01303 232300
Hawkinge Health Centre
01303 862425
Lyminge Pharmacy
01227 832322
Bourne Vet Practice
01303 273203
Manor Vet Clinic
07584 304301
Folkestone & Hythe District Councillor: David Godfrey
Folkestone & Hythe District Councillor: James Butcher james.butcher@
Folkestone & Hythe District Councillor: Stephen Scoffham stephen.scoffham@
Member of Parliament: Sojan Joseph MP
01233 670561
Kent County Councillor: Miss Susan Carey
01303 840215
Parish Council Chairman: Kevin Lamb
01303 840224
Parish Council Vice Chair: Christeen Chapman
07702 268475
Parish Council Clerk: Claire Greenwood
01303 840006
Parish Council Member: Brian Swan
01303 840255
Parish Council Member: Geoff Clements
01303 862087
Parish Council Member: Kevin Allen
07956 110887
Parish Council Member: Stuart Peall
01303 840566
Abbot's Fireside
01303 840242
King's Arms
01303 840890
Rose & Crown
01303 840344
The Cosy Tea Rooms
01303 840304
Church Matters: Mary Morgan
07772 394855
Church: St Mary the Virgin vicar: Carol Bates
01303 862820
Dog & Puppy Training
01303 840550
Elham Gardening Society: Frances Horton
01303 840041
Elham Pre-School:
01303 840325
Elham Primary School: Dan File
01303 840186
Elham Valley Stores
01303 840820
EVH Chairman: Jan Stanyon
01303 862180
Lyminge Library
01303 240228
Methodist Church: Rev. Gill Songer
01303 840485
Sports Centre
01303 840820
Sports Club: Clive Stanyon
01303 840544
Sunday School
01303 862467
Village Hall: Maggie Tappenden
01303 840295
Newsletter Editor: Renee Bull
Newsletter Distribution: Janet Pain