St. Mary's Church, Elham
The church dates from about 1180, with alterations and additions during the 15th.Century.
The wine glass pulpit is Tudor and the Eagle lectern is 17th.century.
An early photograph showing the old vicarage
An recent photograph showing the new vicarage
The view from St. Mary's tower taken by Rev. Canon Jonathan Russell in June 2005
On the 24th March 2010 steeplejacks from WM & RW Bacon
replaced the recently refurbished weathervane.
They started erecting
their ladders at 9am and at 3pm the third and final part of the weathervane was
in place.
The steeplejacks - Drew Anderson, Dean Ellis & Robbie Stevenson
Drew Anderson makes his way up the west side of the spire.
Each section of ladder is slotted into the one below and then secured to hooks
which have been screwed into the lead faced wood of the spire.
Robbie Stevenson makes his way up the east side of the spire.
Derek Boughton with two of the recently refurbished parts
The repaired bullet hole.
The first section is refixed at the top.
The next sections weighs 41lb. and is not easy to get in place at such a height.
The "S" arm of this section had been especially marked by
Robbie to ensure the correct alignment when slotted into the first claw section.
Some people on the ground were thinking that it would be funny if it pointed the
wrong way round!
Having added an additional hoist the final section is now put in place
The view from the top of the spire - photos taken by Dean Ellis
The view from the top of the tower - photos taken by Drew Anderson
All photos have been taken by Bryan Badham, except where stated and are copyright of the Elham Website.
Link to the Christians in Elham website
Are you interested in bell ringing
at Elham ? Then why not come along to St.Mary's on a practice night.
19.30 to 21.00 on Fridays. For more information please contact Matthew Nixon on 01303
893300 or
email him at
Link to website information on the Church Bells of St.Mary's Elham
Page last updated 19/02/2014